Winner of the “Best Mentoring Program” award in the competition SUPER M 2022 in the category “Commercial Companies”, organized by EMCC.

Driving the Future of Work

We create a space where reskilling employees becomes an inspiration for growth. We offer personalized career paths that prepare teams for the challenges of tomorrow.

Let's talk
Grupa osób na spotkaniu firmowym

“Zatrudnianie z zewnątrz może kosztować nawet 6 razy więcej niż budowanie od wewnątrz.”

Twoja firma jest tak dobra jak ludzie, którzy ją tworzą!
Uważamy, że dzisiaj kluczowe nie jest szkolenie pracowników raz na jakiś czas, a nieustanne podnoszenie pożądanych kompetencji w efektywny sposób.
Zdobywana wiedza, ale przede wszystkim praktyka i dowożenie powinno być spójne z programem rozwojowym i celami biznesu.
Wspieramy w takich obszarach jak: przywództwo, kreatywność i technologie.

#reskilling #upskilling #ethical #ai #decisionmaking #behavioraleconomics

Check out how we work

STAGE I - Commencement
Audyt rozwojowy

We analyze your company, adapting development strategies to your needs and opportunities. Our goal is to strengthen competence and competitive advantage through effective investments in employee development.

Diagnosis of Competencies

We start with an analysis of upskilling and reskilling needs. We conduct interviews with employees and supervisors to understand specific requirements and objectives. This ensures that the development path is precisely tailored to the needs of your company.

Make an appointment
Osoby pracujące nad pomysłami i designem
STAGE II - Personalization
Decision-making process

We conduct training and workshops in the field of behavioral economics, supporting a culture of commitment and trust in the organization

Personalized development paths

We create development paths that focus on key competencies: creativity, critical thinking and programming. Our methods are tailored to the learning style.

Make an appointment
Grupa pracowników podczas prezentacji
STAGE III - Effective operation
Mentoring from experts

We connect employees with mentors and experts in key competencies. The sessions offer support, feedback and direction of development, motivating you to progress. We provide external or internal mentoring.

Effectiveness assessment

Our development paths are crucial to the work and goals of the company. We regularly evaluate the effectiveness of reskilling, allowing adjustments and optimizations, which bring tangible benefits.

Make an appointment
Dwie kobiety w firmie

Increase efficiency and satisfaction in your company

Reduce operating costs

Invest in the development of your current workforce and redirect resources to areas with potential for growth, reducing spending on recruiting and onboarding new employees.

Put science into practice

Integrate learning processes with daily tasks to virtually develop employees' skills, enabling them to succeed in a dynamic work environment.

Fill competency gaps

We use skills assessment to identify gaps and develop key competencies: creativity, problem solving, coding.

Increase loyalty

Encourage long-term commitment by offering personalized growth paths that respond to aspirations and increase job satisfaction.

Bet on wellbeing

We focus on the well-being of employees, promoting mental health and creating the conditions for effective and happy work.

Create DEI teams

Promote diversity, equality and inclusivity by shaping an open work environment that attracts and retains exceptional talent.

Why us?

Our company stands out for its deep experience in creating effective mentoring programs that have transformed the development paths of hundreds of individuals. Now we are ready to use this wealth of experience to support organizations in building healthy and effective development environments.
Our methods are not based on random solutions, but on a solid foundation of behavioral science.
We reject the “blind arrows” typical of standard training programs in favor of personalized strategies based on sound knowledge of behavioral economics, acquired at Harvard Business School. As a result, our mentoring programs are not only innovative, but above all effective and tailored to the unique needs of each organization.

Katarzyna Szczesna
Let's talk


Polecam i polecać stale będę!

Najcenniejsze, co możesz dać drugiej osobie to czas, wiedza i inspiracja. Według mnie to najlepsza definicja programu Design Mentorship. Organizacja programu i stale rozwijająca się ofertą. Efektywnie i przyjemnie współpracuje się ze wszystkimi w tym programie.

Zdjęcie Mentorki Martyny Tarnawskiej

Martyna Tarnawska

Mentorka DM

Zacząłem jako Mentee

Swoją przygodę z zacząłem jako Mentee. Obecnie sam jestem Mentorem, prowadzę własną agencję i spełniam marzenia. Polecam DM z całego serca 💜

Zdjęcie Mentora Szymona Kordylewicza

Szymon Kordylewicz

Brand Designer, Mentor

Jestem bardzo zadowolona

Jestem bardzo zadowolona z DM, zwłaszcza z mentorki, z którą świetnie mi się pracowało. Dużo się nauczyłam przechodząc proces projektowy pod jej czujnym okiem. Dużą wartość wnosiły cotygodniowe spotkania z ekspertkami i ekspertami. Widzę, jak DM rozwija się i cieszę się, że mogę być częścią tej społeczności.

Zdjęcie Mentee Aleksandry Wajs

Aleksandra Wajs

UX Researcherka / Designerka

Not only knowledge is important.

We focus on cognitive skills, the “lifelonglearning” approach and above all creativity.

Creative thinking

Cognitive skills

Analytical thinking

Cognitive skills

Technological literacy

Tecnical skills

Service orientation & customer service

Engagement skills

Curiosity & lifelong learning


Resilience, flexibility & agility


AI and big data

Tecnical skills

Sistemske pensjon

Cognitive skills

Talent management


Motivation & self-awareness


They talk about us

Logo ForbesLogo Product DissignLogo Mam StartupLogo Marketing i BiznesLogo Product Dissign

Our collaborations

We co-create Nestoring, which uses advanced methods of needs analysis and expertise in the creation of personalized development programs.

Through an individual approach and adaptation of tools to specific situations, we help employees achieve their development goals.

Kasia Szczesna i Bartek Postek, Nestoring

We are a partner of the project Gen4Gen initiated by the company Archicom.

The initiative, based on assumptions Generation Intelligence, that is, the use of generational intelligence for business development, which allows you to get the desired result faster and more realistically.


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