18 Apr 2023 • 5 min

Disguise — is it worth it and how to change your career path?

Have you ever wondered if your current job is what you really want? Do you have the feeling that your career is at a standstill and the prospects for development are insufficient? Moving into a completely new field, while not easy, can provide a chance for new challenges, personal and professional growth, and increased job satisfaction. In this article, we will discuss what is worth considering when deciding to disguise yourself.

Disguise — is it worth it and how to change your career path? - cover of the entry

Why should you consider disguise?

There are many reasons why you should consider moving to another field. Here are a few of them:

  • Increase the chances of career growth - sometimes the current work can be a dead road and does not give prospects for further development. Moving into a new field can give you the chance for a more rewarding and growing career.
  • Personal Interests - it may happen that your interests change over time and you want to work in a field that fascinates you more. Disguise gives you the opportunity to realize your passion and work on something that brings joy.
  • Flexibility of the labour market - labour markets in different fields are diverse. Moving into a new field can increase your chances of finding a job in a place and field where employees are needed.
  • Challenges and motivation - a new job can be challenging and give new opportunities for development. Moving to another field can increase your motivation to work and open up new opportunities for your personal development.
  • Financial Perspectives - moving to another field can mean higher earnings or better career prospects, which can affect your financial situation.

How to disguise yourself?

Think about what motivates you to change your profession

Before you start acting, think about what makes you want to change your profession. Are you looking for new challenges? Does your current job bore you? Do you just want to develop your skills? Without specifying goals and motivations, it will be difficult for you to make the right decision.

Analyze your skills and professional competencies

If you already know what motivates you, rethink your skills. Which of them will be useful in a new job, and which ones will you have to acquire anew? You can also take advantage of personality and career predisposition tests to help you discover your strengths and indicate suitable career directions.

Find a new field, an industry in which you want to work

Once you have defined your goals and skills, it's time to look for a new field. Browse jobs, chat with people from different industries, visit job fairs. Find a field that interests you and to which you will be able to dedicate your skills and passion.

Get new professional qualifications

If you decide to change your profession, you may need to acquire new qualifications or certificates. You can sign up for courses or take mentoring. It is important to invest in your education, which will allow you to acquire new skills and qualifications.

Build your network of industry contacts

A very important element in the process of disguise is building a network of contacts. First of all, it is worth talking to people in the industry in which you want to work. You can look for mentors, participate in discussion groups on social networks and even visit industry conferences. With these contacts you will gain valuable tips and advice.

I also invite you to listen to my story of disguise. I also talk about how and why Design Mentorship was created, which has become a real phenomenon in the world of design, helping young designers start their careers.